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Abuladze, A.V. 1983. Cinereous Vulture in the Georgian SSR.

In: Ecology of birds of prey]. Moscow, Nauka Press. Pp.49-51. In Russian.

(Institute of Zoology of the Georgian Academy of Sciences)


Materials were collected in 1973-1982 in the Georgian SSR, where the Black Vulture is rare resident bird, making seasonal nomadic movements and vertical migrations. Usually it is occurred in the eastern part of republic, more seldom - westward basins of the Aragvi and Terek Rivers and on the Caucasia Minor. Inhabits open landscapes. The nesting habitats - arid sparse growths of trees in low-mountain belt at altitudes 300-800 m above sea level. The total numbers of nesting pairs - 10-15. Perhaps, 1 colony is survived in the south-eastern part of the Iori plateau. Till recently it nested on the Tsiv-Gomborskiy mountain ridge (2 pairs) and on the southern spurs of the Glavnyi (Main) Kavkazskiy (Caucasian) ridge (data of interrogations). 21 nests were found, among which 14 were occupied in different years. Number of nesting pairs from 7 in 1982 up to 11 in 1980. During nesting region annually there are up to 15 unmarried (single) birds, among which a deal of young birds does not exceed 25 %. Birds elder 2 years age take part in breeding (it is possible - elder birds). Marked in 1980 and 1981, chicks did not nest in 1982. Repair and building of nests finish by the end of February. Nests are located in the upper twigs of crowns of a tree, seldom on the middle twigs of junipers (18), pistachio-tree (2) and beech (1) at the height of 1,6-4,5 m above ground. Size: diameter - 110-190 cm, height - 50-70 cm. Some pairs have the second nest at 8-60 m from the main one. Copulation takes place on the nests. Clutch of 1 egg appears at the end of February - beginning of March. Once a case is known, when female has laid egg instead of one, which was lost (chick was reared up successfully). Sizes of eggs (18) 89-94 x 66-70 mm, weight (14) 229-234 g. Both parents incubate 53-55 days. Chicks are hatching in April and flying out - in July - beginning of August. In 1976-1982 nesting efficiency was low - in average 0,25 fledglings per pair. After flying out, birds occur certain time in the nesting region, and later they move to region of summer pastures in subalpine belt. Feeding by belching of young bird by adult one, was observed 11.09.80. They eat dead animals of large sizes. 106 cases were registered, when birds were fed on carrion. 78 times bird ate carcasses of sheep (73,6 %), 12 times - dogs (11,3), 11 times - neat cattle (10,4), 2 times - pigs (1,9) and in 1 time they eat carcass of horse, deer, badger (in 0,7 %). Feeding on reptilians (Mediterranean tortoise (Testudo graeca) and Yellow-belly legless lizard (Ophisaurus apodus), crushed by cars, were registered twice. There were not registered attacks on the living prey. In 1978 and 1981 on the experimental additional feeding plot (near of Vashlovanskiy Nature Reserve) the carrion for additional feeding of Vultures was laid out - carcasses of 14 sheep and 8 dogs. Birds have appeared on the carrion in 6-38 hours, more often - in one day (24 hours). The largest concentration was registered on 3 carcasses of sheep: 7 Cinereous Vultures jointly with 11 Griffon Vultures and 1 Egyptian Vulture. Competition from the side of more numerous Griffon Vulture is not so sufficient, because there is a certain specialization in the eating of carrion by these two species - Cinereous Vultures eat mainly muscles and skin of carcasses, and Griffon Vultures - internal organs. The hungry birds are prevailing on the carrion. The main factor, limiting numbers of Cinereous Vulture in Georgia - worsening of feeding conditions, especially in nesting periods, because sheep flocks at beginning of May move over from the winter pastures (from nesting areas of Vultures) to the summer ones. Time of the minimal abundance of food coincides with period of chick's rearing (May-July). Numbers of large wild animals is extremely low here. Besides that, there are the following reasons of numbers decreasing: direct persecution by man - shooting (2 cases are known for the time of researches), perishing of nests (1 case), death on the poisoned bate (2.10.76 3 birds were lost), competition from the side of wolves, foxes, and especially of stray dogs, those numbers is high in region of pastures. The predatory mammals, feeding on carrion, don't leave a food for Vultures. Change of nesting habitats (arid sparse growth of trees) and disturbance factor by man has the important significance too. At present time, Cinereous Vulture is listed in Red Data Book of the Georgian SSR and is protected in territory of Vashlovanskiy [Vashlovan] Nature Reserve. For species conservation in Georgia, it is necessary to expand limits of Vashlovanskiy Nature Reserve, the greater (main) part of nests to be situated on the protected area, to organize there the seasonal (March-July) additional feeding plot, to conduct a struggle with stray dogs in nesting regions of Vulture, to control strictly using of poisoned substances for poisoning of bates, to introduce into practice a system of fines for doing any harm (damage) to birds of prey and provide the effective control for conducting of this regulation, to carry out wide propaganda of species protection by means of mass media.



Modern status and problems of conservaton of rare and endangered vertebrate species in Southern Federal Region of the Russian Federation

Sovremennoe sostoyanie i problemy okhrany redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov pozvonochnykh zhivotnykh yuzhnogo federal'nogo okruga Rossiyskoi Federatsii [Modern status and problems of conservaton of rare and endangered vertebrate species in Southern Federal Region of the Russian Federation. Stavropol's Branch of Russian Bird Conservation Union. 2004. 100 pp. Paperback. Number of printed copies - 300. In Russian.


Extracts on 4 vulture species.


Khokhlov, A.N., Ilyukh, M.P. [Rare and endangered birds of Stavropolā€™ Territory and their conservation]. 3-39. Bibl.100 titl. 


Cinereous Vulture. P.15.

Status. III category. Rare species. Included in the RDB of Russia and IUCN. Globally rare species.

Distribution. All ear round it occurs in Predgoryi district of Stavropol Territory. Nesting is not confirmed. Nomadic specimens are recording near sheep-farms in steppes.

Number. Single birds episodically occur in the vicinities of Kislovodsk town and other settlements of Predgornyi district.

Limiting factors. Perishes from shots of poachers and in traps, establishesd for wolves.

Conservation measures. Its necessary to undertake explanatory work among shepherds, alpinists and tourists about necessity of the species conservation.

Information sources: Khokhlov, Vitovich, 1990; Khokhlov, 1995, 1998, 2000; Khokhlov, Ilyukh, 1997; Timofeev et al., 1998.


Griffon Vulture. P.15-16.

Status. III category. Rare species. Listed in the RDB of Russia.

Distribution. Regularly occurs in Predgornyi district during trophic flights. Single birds are recording in steppe districts of Stavropol Territory. Nesting is not confirmed.

Number. In Predgornyi district during trophic nomadic movements in different time of year up to 10 and more birds can be registered.

Limiting factors. The number growth of the Griffon Vulture is limited by food shortage in winter period. It perishes from shots of poachers and in traps established for wolves.

Conservaton measures. In winter for all scavengers its necessary to organize additional feeding sites. It is necessary to carry out explanatory work on conservation of the Griffon Vulture among local population, tourists, alpinists.

Informaton sources: Khokhov, Vitovich, 1990; Khokhlov, 1995, 1998, 2000; Khokhlov, Ilyukh, 1997, 1998.



Bukreev, S.A., Jamirzev, G.S. [Materials on rare and little-studied bird species of the plot Barkhan Saryku  in Dagestan Nature Reserve]. 39-43.


Cinereous Vulture. Practically there are not plots, suitable for nesting this species, within limits of the territory investigated by us. Therefore all observations of Cinereus Vultures, most probably, belong to feeding flights. Like in other scavengers, the Cinereus Vultures are attracting by cattle-transit path, which is situated near Saryku barkhan. Totally we have sighted 11 birds, including in morning 30 May on western slope of Sarykum in one place 16 Griffon Vultures and 6 Cinereus Vultures (obviously on carrion).


Griffon Vulture. The catle-transit paty that is situated aong northern foot of mountain and further upwards along Shura-Ozen valley attracts Griffon Vultures, therefore here regularly soaring and resting on rocks birds were observed. Totally we have counted 28 birds in this region, incuding in morning 30 May on western slope of Sarykum in one place 16 Griffon Vultures and 6 Cinereus Vultures (obviously on carrion) were stayed. In the same day on the north-eastern slope of Karatepe mountain ridge to south of Shura-Ozen River, in upper part of one of gorges, on the rocks of the south-western exposition 2 nests were found, in which there was 1 feathering chick (in each). The third nest (also with feathering chick) was discovered on another rock (also of south-western exposition) in the same gorge, approximately at 500-700 m from previous one. Besides three adult birds situated together with their chicks, in vicinties of colony another 13 Griffon Vultures were situated (majority of them rested on rocks). Thus, simultaneously within limits of the study territory in the period of our observations up to 32 Griffon Vultures stayed, including 3 breeding pars.  



Polivanov, V.M., Polivanova, N.N. [Modern status of rare bird species in Teberda Nature Reserve and on adjacent territories]. 68-75. Bibl.22 titl.


17. Cinereus Vulture. Visits the territory of Nature Reserve during search of food. Vagrants happen practicaly annualy. Single birds or groups consisting of 2-3 specimens appear usually. In January and May 1980 I.V.Tkachenko has recorded vulture flocks of 15 and 16 specimens. We in the year 1984 observed the flock consisted of abut 70 specimens. In the nearest surroundings of Nature Reserve the Cinereous Vulture breeding is not known for us. Probably, birds visit us from considerably distant part of the North Caucasia, situated eastwards.


18. Griffon Vulture. Like Cinereous Vultures, the Griffon Vultures visit the territory of Nature Reserve during search of food. Their appearance happen more often and more regular than in the Cinereous Vultures. These vagrant birds were fixed annually until the year 2003. Usually single specimens and small groups up to 10 birds appear. The main colonies of these scavengers are situated on Skalistyi ridge. Investigation of the latter, carried out by Author and other collaborators of Nature Reserwe in 1998 within limits of Karachaevo-Cherkessia has shown in comparison with 1980-1985 that the Griffon Vulture number was decreased considerably, that was caused by worsening of the feeding base. The Griffon Vultures in North Caucasia existed in considerable extent for account of eating of carcasses of the dead domestic cattle. With transformation of farming form in the "perestroika" period the quantity of carrion has reduced sharply that very quiclly was reflected on Griffon Vulture number. In the last years the detail investigation of the Griffon Vulture colonies was not carried out. This species population status in the North-Western Caucasia (at least for us) is unknown. According to indirect data the number decline continues, but until now the GV populaton is vital and has not reached the critical level yet.



Tilba, P.A., Mnatsekanov, R.A. [The status of rare bird species populations in Krasnodar Territory]. 89-91. Tabl.1.


Trends in population status of trare breeding birds in Krasnodar territory

Bird species     Population status trend  Worsening   Stable  Number growth and range extention   Data insufficient

Bearded Vulture             -               +                                     -                                         -

Egyptian Vulture             -               +                                     -                                         -

Cinereus Vulture            +               -                                     -                                         -

Griffon Vulture                +               -                                     -                                         -



In: [Caucasian Ornithological Bulletin]. Stavropol'. 1993. Issue 5. In Russian. Pp.96.

(Caucasian State Biosphere Nature Reserve)


   Question about breeding of the BV in the Western Caucasia left disputable for a long time. In the past, in literature it was pointed on possibility of this species nesting on territory of the Caucasian Nature Reserve (Averin, Nasimovich, 1938), it was mentioned on its breeding on the Skalistyi (Rocky) mountain ridge and in the Stavropol Territory (Tkachenko, 1966). Later - again in the Stavropol Territory (Khokhlov et al., 1983; Vitovich, 1987).  However all these data did not confirmed by findings of living BV nests. Information about registration of two nests of this raptor is in the hands of S.N.Varshavskiy and M.N.Shilov (1989), discovered them in valleys of Dombai and Khudes.

     15.05.1992 nest of the Black (mountain?) Vulture was discovered on territory of the Caucasian Nature Reserve in surroundings of the Umpyr cordon. It was located on the top of pine near upper border of forest. Birds incubated clutch, consisting of one egg. During the repeat inspection of nest 4.07.1992 there was not chick in the nest, breeding completed unsuccessfully. Controlled nesting plot was occupied by vultures, obviously, already not one year. At the 200 m distance from nest else one nest was situated, which was used by birds in other years.



Mnatsekanov, R.A., Tilba, P.A. 1998. Sovremennoe sostoyanie kormovoi bazy ptits-nekrofagov na Zapadnom Kavkaze [The modern status of the feeding base of birds-necrophages in Western Caucasia].

In: III Konferentsiya po khishchnym ptitsam Vostochnoi Evropy i Severnoi Azii [III Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia]. Stavropol. Pp.83-85.


   Question about feeding base of birds-necrophages in certain extent was considered in a series of works, dedicated to this bird group (Vitovich, Tkachenko, 1986; Vitovoch, 1987; Varshavskiy, Shilov, 1989; Til'ba, 1994; Tilba, Mnatsekanov, in press). Changes, touching trophical prosperity of above-mentioned bird group, requires an additional interpretation of this question.

   Feeding spectrum of necrophages can be represented by 3 groups of food: carrion, feeding garbage, forages, bagging by birds by means of active hunting. Carrion is the base for feeding of necrophages in Western Caucasia, therefore in the current paper we, without considering two other groups of forages, will mean under feeding base the corps of animals and their parts, i.e. carrion. Feeding base of necrophages consists of two groups of feeding objects.

   1. Carcasses of wild animals and their parts:

   - animals, perished due to age, diseases, exhaustion, predators, accidents (avalanches, snow-slips etc.);

   - animals, perished as a result of hunting by man (carcasses of untaken wounded game, inner organs and parts of dead body, left on the place of cutting by hunters).

   2. Carcasses of domestic animals and their parts:

   - carcasses of agricultural animals, perished due to diseases, predators, accidents;

   - remains of agricultural animals, as a result of forced slaughter of cattle;

   - unutilized carcasses of domestic animals, and also parts of animals, un-overtreated at slaughter-houses and removed on the open cattle-burial-grounds.

   Above-mentioned feeding objects are differing by extent of localization and stability of appearance. An example of local disposition of foods are open cattle-burial-grounds and plots of relief with regular going down of avalanches. High extent of constancy and regularity of feeding objects appearance are typical for these places of feeding of birds. Birds well know location of mentioned places and constantly investigate it. Pasture cattle-breeding, as one of ways of delivery of feeding objects in trophics of necrophages is characterized by greater scattering of feeding resources, with quite high stability of their appearance. In other cases feeding objects of carrion-eaters in greater extent are scattered throughout territory and are less regular.

   Changes of economical situation in country had as a result the changes in the structure of agriculture, reflected on the status of cattle-breeding. In 1990's of our century in Western Caucasia the decline of stock of agriculture animals in the cooperative and state sectors is observing. Simultaneously growth of cattle stock in private persons takes place. However these processes in majority places of region go with different speed. As a result on the mountain pastures of Western Caucasia the number of pasturing animals was dropped, and correspondingly, volume of feeding objects from this groups of food was declined also. It should be noted, that in some places of region, for example, in separate regions of Karachaevo-Cherkessia the intensity of the pastureable cattle-farming increases, that is reflecting on the status of necrophages settlements, breeding on the mentioned territory. So, the considerable increase of breeding pairs of the Griffon Vulture on the Akhmet-Skala mountain ridge took place. This ridge is situated in above-mentioned region (table).


Dynamics of number of successfully breeding pairs of the Griffon Vulture in some colonies of Western Caucasia.

Site of colony                                       Years

disposition                  1986  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94 95  96  97

Usrushten lower part    17   16    -     -   17  20  17  20  24  22  21 16

Akhmet-Skala ridge       -     20  20  23    -   21   -     -    -    35  40   -

Guam gorge                  4      -     -     3    5    6   4    7    4     5    4   3

Kurdjips R. valley          2      2    6     6    6    5    -    -    -      4    2   0


   Insignificant increase of agricultural animals mortality in 1990's is connected with growth of stealing of cattle. Animals are killing, and people leave on the place of carcass's cutting the inner organs, head, fell. Also increase of agricultural animal mortality is observing in connection with wolf number increase, because hunting for wolf is not stimulating any more at the present time.

   Simultaneously, on the background of worsening of the population prosperity, the growth of poaching bagging of wild animals goes, an increase of number of riffled barrels in people takes place also. In this connection the number of untaken wounded game is increasing, which fill stock of feeding resources of necrophages. The poaching press on protected territories is increasing also (Kudaktin, 1996). Increase of garbage of the poaching hunting in the territory of the Caucasian Nature Reserve, probably, is connected with the Griffon Vulture number increase in 1993-1995 on the colony in lower Urushten River, situated in the protected zone of Nature Reserve (table).

   Thus, in the first half of 1990's the mentioned factors in certain extent compensated the decrease of feeding objects, connected with cattle stock decline. In 1996-1997 in some mountain sites of region the results of overexploitation of wild animals begin to be expressed, that on the background of continuing decrease of agricultural animal number leads to considerable decrease of the feeding base of necrophages. The visual confirmation of this process is decreasing of number of successfully breeding pairs of Griffon Vulture in Kurdjips River Valley and in Guam gorge (table). During cheking of the Griffon Vulture settlements in the Urup River valley in 1996 22 breeding pairs were counted, while at the beginning of 1980's colony conisted of 55 pairs (Vitovich, 1987). At the present time those birds are in more favourable conditions which inhabit places with high number of wild animals (Nature Reserves, Game Reserves) and regions of the pastureable cattle-breeding, with saved stock of pasturing animals.

   Thus, the modern status of the feeding base of necrophages of Western Caucasia in majority of places of region is characterized by extremal unstability. Further worsening of trophical prosperity of describing species can lead to disappearance of the separate settlements of birds and, as a whole, to the sharp decline of these species. In the formed situation we consider that it's necessary to organize a net of sites with additional feeding in regions with the most destabilized feeding base of necrophages.




Vitovich, O.A. 1986. Black (Cinereous) Vulture Aegypius monachus (L.)

In: Practical recommendations on conservation of rare and endangered species of diurnal birds of prey on territory of Karachaevo-Cherkessian Autunomous Region. 1986. P.15-16.


   BLACK VULTURE. Character of presence of the CV in territory of Region is not clear completely. Judging on that CVs occur in Region during all seasons of year, they must nest here, however there were not finds of their nests. Data, based on the questionnaire interrogation about CV nesting jointly with Griffon Vultures in colony on Urup are erroneous (Khokhlov et al, 1983). CV donā€™t breed on rocks within limits of the Griffon Vulture colony. Their nests were not discovered also on the rocks within radius of 15-20 km around the colony. However CV nesting in this region is quite probable, because during nesting period, CV occur jointly with Griffon Vultures at the feeding sites. Plot of the Skalistyi (Rocky) mountain ridge is afforested strongly here, and location of nests not on the rocks, but in the trees, is more typical for Vultures.

   In territory of Nature Reserve CVs are sighting during out-nesting time - in autumn and in winter. Since the second half of September, CV appears in Nature Reserve systematically, more often by pairs or in 3 birds (two adult and 1 young). If there is a food for them in Nature Reserve, so their numbers increase gradually here. At the additional feeding site we observed simultaneously 7 CV (in one month after laying out food and discovering it by the first CV). 5 adult birds and two young birds were in that group. Presence of fledglings, recently left nests, in such groups, confirms, that CV breed somewhere near at hand. According to literature data, the nearest to our region, breeding sites of BV situate in eastern part of Central Caucasia (Boehme, 1958) and in the eastern part of the Georgian SSR (Abuladze, 1983).

   CV among all raptors-necrophages in our Region is the rarest one. Its total numbers does not exceed 15-20 birds, and not more than 3-4 pairs breed.

   CV have not enemies in nature and therefore they dead only due to man. In volieras (enclosures) of the Teberda Nature Reserve, the one one-leg CV is keeping, taken from a trap. In October 1985 we seen the one-leg CV on the artificial feeding place, that bird had very pitiful look and was doomed to death evidently.






Khokhlov, A.N. 1995. Sovremennoe sostoyanie fauny sokoloobraznykh Stavropol'skogo kraya i Karachaevo-Cherkessii [Modern status of Falconifomes fauna of the Stavropol' Territory and Karachaevo-Cherkessia].

In: Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Severnogo Kavkaza [Birds of Prey and Owls of Northern Caucasia]. Trudy Teberdinskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika [Proceedings of the Teberda Nature Reserve]. Issue 14. Stavropol'. Pp.25-94. In Russian.


Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus L.) on P.71.

The BV is rare resident bird in Stavropol'ye and Karachaevo-Cherkessian Republic. In mountains and foothill areas of this district it is sighted during whole year round. Their numbers does not exceed here 20 birds. The most probably, 3-4 pair are nesting here (Khokhlov, Vitovich, 1990). In 1983 from one to four Black Vultures were seen in summer period in Otradnenskiy district of the Krasnodar Territory (Kuvinskoe, Nadezhdino, Izveshchatel'nyi gorges) (hunter V.Nikolaenko, oral communication).


                             * * * * * * * * * * *


Zabolotnyi, N.L., Khokhlov, A.N. 1995. Zametki o nekotorykh redkikh ptitsakh Nizovoi Kubani [Notes about some rare birds of Nizovaya Kuban' River.

In: Kavkazskiy ornitologicheskiy sbornik [Caucasian Ornithological Bulletin]. Issue 7. Stavropol. Pp. 16-17. In Russian.

North-Caucasian Department of Menzbier Ornithol. Soc. of Russian Ac. of Sc.


Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus) on pp.16-17.

In the latest years the Lammergeier's became more often be sighted here. As a rule single birds are sighting there. On 28 of January in 1995 on the way of 20 km length along left shore of Protoka River 3 BV were registered there. One of them ate a fox (bagged and dressed [skinned] by hunters) not far from Golubaya Niva Village. The second Vulture attacked a flock of Greylag Geese near Derevyankovka Village, but this attack had, probably, a playing character from raptor's side. Goose reacted with "shout of dangerous". The third Vulture landed on the lucerne field; it was attracted by the dining place of a fox: hare's paws, two bright wings of Mallard male were scattered on hillock.

By questioning data, received from local hunters, it was established, that in December of 1994 and in January of 1995 single vultures were observed on the Azov Sea coast.  Objects of their attention was dead fish, and also perished wounded game - hares, ducks, thrown out ox corps.


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Til'ba, P.A. 1985. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Severnogo Kavkaza [Birds of Prey of the Central part of Western Caucasia]

In: Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Severnogo Kavkaza [Birds of Prey and Owls of Northern Caucasia]. Trudy Teberdinskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika [Proceedings of the Teberda Nature Reserve]. Issue 14. Stavropol'. Pp.5-24. In Russian.


Black Vulture - Aegypius monachus L. on pp.18-19.

The Black Vulture is a rare vagrant bird of prey. It was sighted in all landscapes of mountainous tiers on the territory of Great Caucasian, Peredovoi and Skalistyi ranges. We have not confirmed the BV nesting in this region (Averin, Nasimovich, 1938). On the study area the Black Vulture appears mainly in spring and autumn seasons. So, in spring birds were registered on 21.05.1977., 27.03.1980. near Dzhuga Mountain, since 21 till 23.03.1983 in outlying areas of Umpyr' cordon, 28.05.1981 over the Abago pasture, 29.05.1982 on Malaya Laba River higher than the Umpyr' cordon; in autumn -  on 07.08.1983. near Alous isthmus, 10.08.1983. in the Tsakhvoa River valley, 15.09.1976. over Magisho Range, 22.09.1976. near Dzhuga Mountain, 19.10.1976. on the Umpyr' cordon. In summer raptor was observed only on 14.07.1977 on Dzhuga Mountain, 02.06.1984 near the Zakan cordon and on 15.06.1986 in environs of the Psebai village. In winter the Black Vulture was met twice: on 22.02.1978 on the Tret'ya Rota cordon (Malaya Laba River) and on 5.03.1983 on the Bur'yanistaya glade.

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Tilba, P.A., Kazakov, B.A. 1984. On rare birds of the Caucasian Nature Reserve and adjoining territories. Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus L.).

In: [Ecological researches in the Caucasian Nature Reserve]. Rostov-on-Don, 1984, pp. 116-130. In Russian. P.120.

Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus L.) - rare vagrant species. BV is appearing on the study territory mainly in the spring and autumn seasons. So, in spring birds were registered 21.05.1977, 2.03.1980 near Dzhuga town, 28.05.1981 - above the Abago pasture, 29.05.1982 on the Malaya Laba River upper the Umpyr cordon; in autumn, 15.09.1976 - above the Magisho ridge, 22.09.1976 - near Dzhuga town, 19.10.1976 - on the Umpyr cordon. In summer and winter raptors were seen only in one time: 14.07.1977 on the Dzhguga town and 22.02.1978 - on the Tret'ya Rota cordon (Malaya Laba River).

                               * * * * * * * * * * * *

Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reproduction (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M., 1988. Pp.100.


Vitovich, O.A., Tkachenko, I.V., Pishvanov, Yu.V., Prilutskaya, L.I. 1988. Black (Cinereous) Vulture (Aegypius monachus L.).

In the mountain part of the Stavropol Territory on the Skalistyi (Rock) mountain ridge in very limited numbers it occurs during whole year round. In zone of the Glavnyi (Main) mountain ridge it appears as vagrant visitor mainly in the autumn-winter period. Data, based on the questionnaire about breeding together with Griffon Vultures in colony on the Urup (Khokhlov et al., 1983) are erroneous. Black Vultures don't nest on the rocks within limits of nesting colony of the Griffon Vultures. Their nests were not discovered on rocks in the radius of 15-20 km around colony too. However breeding of the Black Vultures in this region is quite probable, because during nesting period they constantly are sighting together with Griffon Vulture on the feeding sites. Plot of the Skalistyi ridge is afforested strongly here, probable, that BV set up nests in the trees. In the Teberda Nature Reserve in October on the additional feeding site we observed 7 birds, including 2 young ones. That fact allows suggest, that BV breeds within limits of the Stavropol Territory (Krai). The total number of species doesn't exceed 15-20 birds, and if BV breeds here, so not more than 3-4 pairs.

In volieres (cages) of Teberda Nature Reserve one one-legged BV is keeping, taken from the trap. In October 1985 we have seen one-legged Vulture with dim plumage at the additional feeding site in Teberda Nature Reserve. Case of the meaningless shooting of the BV on the calf's carcass is known.

Avoiding of the BV fetching up in the traps and organization of additional feeding during winter period must be considered as the BV conservation measures.


Yu.V.Pishvanov, L.I.Prilutskaya.

In Dagestan BV is resident. It breeds in the foothill and alpine regions. Numbers is noticeably dropped in comparison with 1970's.