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DOLGOVA, O.V.*, PAVLENKO, M.V.**, SURMACH, S.G.** 2003. O geneticheskoi izmenchivosti (po dannym elektroforeza belkov) u zimuyushchikh na yuge Primorskogo kraya chernykh grifov Aegypius monachus [On genetic variability based on protein electrophoresis data in wintering Black (Cinereus) Vulture Aegypius monachus, South Ussuriland].

In: Soremennye problemy ornitologii Sibiri i Tsentralnoi Azii [The Modern Problems of Siberia and Central Asia). The materials of II International ornithological conference, Russia, Ulan-Ude, 16-19 May 2003. Part 2. Editor – Dr.Ts.Z.Dorzhiev. Ulan-Ude, Buryat State University Press. Pp.10-12. In Russian.

* - Far-Eastern State University

** - Biology-Soil Institute of far-Eastern branch of Russian Ac. of Sc., Vladivostok, Russia


      The Cinereus Vulture (Aegypius monachus) – is a rare little-studied species of birds of prey, listed in Red Data Book of IUCN, Red Data Book of Asia, Red Data Books of Russia and Primorskiy Krai (Ussuriland), and also in the 2nd Appendix of CITES. In the south of the Russian Far East in south-western Primorie (Ussuriland) the Cinereus Vultures arrive for wintering. Origin of wintering group was not established exactly. The nearest nesting sites – Inner Mongolia. The decline of wintering population of the Cinereus Vulture in the Krai (Territory) observing at the present time, supposedly is connected with the changes of the character of human practical activity, particularly with fall of fur farming, whose remains were the main food for vultures. On wintering in 2000-2002 the mass loss of birds was observed, whose reasons are not cleared up yet. There is an opinion that the main reason of it in reality could be food shortage in extremely cold winters (Glushchenko, Yu.N. et al., 2002).

     For clearing up of the reasons of the mass loss of the Cinereus Vultures by ornithologists of Biology-Soil Institute of Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences an initiative group was created (coordinator S.G.Surmach, e-mail: In the course of work the material was collected for the complex (ecological, epidemiological, toxicological and genetic) analysis.

     Data on genetic characteristics of the Cinereus Vulture are extremely limited. Innumerous works are dedicated mainly to American and African vultures. The vulture population which winters in Primorie was not studied by genetists. Therefore it was decided to characterize its status on maximally possible set of signs (features), using different genetic methods. In the year 2001 works were begun in the Laboratory of Evolutionary Zoology and Genetics of Biology-Soil Institute of Far-eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.

      For primary “genetic typing” of the Cinereus Vulture an analysis of proteins was selected as biochemical markers of genes. This method received quite wide distribution in nature-conservation genetics (Leberg, 1996). Standard methodics of protein eletrophoresis in amylaceous gel (Pasteur et al., 1988) were used. Totally we investigated 15 ferments (enzymes) and non-ferment proteins, using 6 bufer systes.

      As samples we used homogenat of different tissues (breast muscle, leaver), and whole blood. Samples were taken during preparation of dead birds, collected by group of ornithologists in Khasan district in February 2001 and 2002. The dead birds before preparation were situated on frost in natural conditions, then either were melted out for preparation of skins and at this time organs for extracting samples were taken, or samples were extracted during dissection of well frozen birds. Besides that, from the beginning the material was represented by birds, perished in different time during winter. Thus, analizing samples were distinct by saveness status, and hence, by degree (extent) of denaturation of proteins. We could not divide the blood samples into plasma and erythrocytes, because the blood became an object of haemolysis as a result of freezing of the dead birds in natural conditions. Totaly in genetic analysis the samples from 25 specimens of the Cinereus Vulture were used.

      Proteins under analysis and ferment systems were used the following: GP – general protein of whole blood, including ALB (Albumin), preALB (prealbumin), EP (erythrocytary protein); HB (haemoglobin); EST (liv) esterases of leaver; EST (Blood) – esterases of whole blood; ferments of leaver: 6 PGD – 6 – phosphorglyconatdehydrogenases; LDH – lactatdehydrogenases; MDH (MOR) – malatdehydrogenases; ME (MOD) – malikenzyme; IDH – isocytratdehydrogenases; GOT (AAT) – glytamatoksalattransaminases aspartataminotransferases); SDH – sorbitoldehydrogenases; SOD – superoksiddismutases; alfa-GPD – a-glycerophosphatdehydrogenases. Variability is expressed in the spectrum of erythrocytary protein (EP) – presence of three electrophoretic variants are shown – and also in the spectrums of esterases of whole blood. Supposedly polymorphic spectrums of esterases, selected during analysis of haemolizated samples of whole blood, without division into plasma and erythrocytes, are difficult for correct genetic interpretaton. All dehydrogenases in the set under our study were invariant ones.

      Thus, it’s possible ro guess that in the set under our study of the Cinereus Vulture the level of genetic variability is not great. That is not in conflict to data about low level of allozyme variability in other vulture species, for example Gyps coprotheres, Gyps africanus (Vanwyk et al., 1992; 2001). Our data on allozyme variability of the Cinereus Vulture are in a good accordance with results of RAPD-PCR analysis of DNA of the same specimens (Kulikova et al., 2003).

      For correct estimation of the standard parameters of allozyme variability it’s necessary to extend the list of proteins under study. Analysis of ferments with high level of genetic variability in birds, for example, peptidases is necessary too, especially if to take into account that there are data on correlation of polymorphism on the base of peptidases with survival and extent of social dominance in birds. Collection of blood samples from live birds is necessary to receive etalone electrophoretic spectrums of proteins.

SHIBNEV, Yu.B. 1989. Black (Cinereous) Vulture Aegypius monachus (Linnaeus, 1766)

In: Rare vertebrates of the Soviet Far East and their protection. Leningrad, Nauka Publishing House. Leningrad Branch. 1989: 95-96. In Russian.


Status.  Scarce wintering species (Fig.101).


Distribution in the Soviet Far East. It occurs on wintering quarters in south-western parts of Primor'ye (south of the Khasan region). Sometimes is recorded in other sites of Primor'ye too - in region of the Khanka Lake, in Razdolnaya and Rudnaya Rivers valley etc. (1) (Fig. 98,2).  The nearest nesting sites  - north-western regions of China.


Natural habitats, their modern status. Inhabits little-afforested plains and knolls in the coastal belt at the distance of about 15-20 km from the coast of the Japan Sea. CV forms the main concentrations in territories of the deer-collective farms, where they seek a food - dead animals. They also eat any other remainders of the living origin.


Numbers. Density on wintering quarters depends on food abundance. In years, when Mink dead bodies were removed from fur-farms to the garbage dumps, the considerable number of CV feed them and in that time bird numbers on wintering quarters formed 400-500 individuals (2). CV number decline was observed during utilization (cremating) of the Mink dead bodies (carcasses).


Life style. Birds are appearing on the wintering grounds at the end of October-November. They appear in number in December. In the cold period they sit out on the "bald" slopes of knolls on the under-wind side in groups of 6-10 or more birds. They fly for the searching of food or to the already known feeding site, as a rule, not earlier 11 o'clock. Up to 40-60 birds concentrate on the feeding sites (on carrion). Sometimes they fill own crops so, that they can’t take off, as a result of that they become victims of poacher with gun or are killed by simple stick. By the end of winter, movement of CV from the wintering quarters begins and by the beginning of April almost all of them leave Primor'ye.


Reasons of number changes. Numbers of this species completely depends on the food abundance and partly on the human disturbance.


Undertaken measures of conservation. CV is listed in the Red Data Book of the RSFSR and South Korea.


Necessary measures of conservation.  It’s necessary to take under conservation all known by the present time wintering sites (main concentrations are forming in regions of the deer collective farms from the Narva River up to Kraskino settlement). Besides that, in winter period the special additional feeding plots should be set up, on which the dead animals and different remainders of living origin should be placed. Otherwise the unique wintering quarters for large birds of prey (White-tailed Eagles, Golden Eagles and Cinereous Vultures) can disappear.


Sources of information: 1 - Vorob'yov, 1954; 2 - Shibnev, 1981.


Compiler: Yu.B.Shibnev.


Fig.101. Cinereous Vulture, Aegypius monachus (photo by Yu.B.Shibnev).




KULIKOVA, I.V., CHELOMINA, G.N., SURMACH, S.G. 2003. Sostoyanie i geneticheskoe raznoobrazie populyatsii chernogo grifa Aegypius monachus v Primorskom krae [The state and genetic diversity of population of the Cinereus Vulture Aegypius monachus in Primorye Region]  // Sovremennye problemy ornitologii Sibiri i Tsentral’noi Azii (The Modern Problems of Siberia and Central Asia). The materials of II International ornithological conference, Russia, Ulan-Ude, 16-19 May 2003. Part 2. Editor – Dr.Ts.Z.Dorzhiev. Ulan-Ude, Buryat State University Press. Pp.19-21. In Russian.


Biology-Soil Institute of far-Eastern branch of Russian Ac. of Sc., Vladivostok, Russia


      The Cinereus Vulture Aegypius monachus Linnaeus 1766 -  is a rare species, protected at International level (1996 IUCN Red List of Theatened Animals). Significance of the territory of Russia for the species reproduction is not great: the total number, to all probability, does not exceed 10-15 breeding pairs (Tilba, 2001). In the post-reproductive period, vice versa, the importance of the separate regions of Russia is sufficient. The considerable role in support of wintering group of the Cinereus Vulture belongs to Primorskiy Krai, particularly, its south-western districts, where the sites of the compact wintering of this raptor are concentrated. Number of the population wintering here wholly depends on abundance and availability of food and reaches 400-500, and in the most favourable winters – 600-650 specimens (Shibnev, 1981; Shibnev, Glushchenko, 1988). In the last years it was noted the considerable decline of number of this raptor, accompanying by mass mortality of birds. Vultures suffered from the biggest losses in winter 2000/2001, when about the third part of wintering birds died – loss consisted of about 100 specimens (Glushchenko et al., 2001).

      The reasons of this loss are not determined so far. However, it’s possible to guess that the main factor of mortality of birds – scavengers was a food shortage (Glushchenko et al., 2001). Already in November the high snow cover and unusually low winter temperatures were established, therefore the food for the Cinereus Vultures was unavailable. The special difficulties for vultures came as a result of destroy of fur farming in Primorskiy Krai (Ussuriland), whose food remains were the main food for the population, wintering here. Just wasted meat skins of the killed minks and dead spotted deers served the main food for vultures in previous winters. Preliminary results of bacteriological analysis (A.VAllenov, official conclusion of Primorskaya Anti-Plaque Station) and testing for contents of heavy metals (V.Ya.Kavun, in press) of tissues and organs of dead birds have revealed nothing suspicious. Only in one of 25 analized samples the virusological studies have given suspicion for the presence of Western Nilus virus (G.N.Leonova, pers. comm.).

The genetic study of the part of the Cinereus Vulture Aegypius monachus population, which was non-viable in the hard conditions of winter 2000-2001 was conducted by method of RAPD-PCR analysis. 16 decamera arbitrary primers were used. In genome of each birds it was revealed grom 8 to 16 fragments of amplificated DNA on each of the used primers. With taking into account the length of fragments, the length of analized plot of genome of vultures was more than 100 tpn, that exceeds the size of mitochondrial genome (125-20 tpn) in many times. Totally 206 features were identified, 32 of which were polymorphous. The total polymorphism of the researched populaton was P=17.48% alfa = 0,01 or P=15.5%, alfa = 0,05, that is approximately at 5 times less the values of polymorphism for representatives of families Phasianidae and Anatidae studied by us before (Kulikova et al., 202; Kulikova et al., in press). The pair genetic distances varied in the narrow range (D=0.058-0.013), compiling in the average 0.034, i.e. at 8-10 times less than in populations of Pheasants and Ducks. The genic diversity (h) and heterozygotness (H) of the population, observing (na) and effective (ne) number of alleles also were low (h=0.055, H=0.058, na=1.165+/-0.3721, ne=1.0944+/-0.2473. Thus, received values of genetic parameters are evidence of low genetic diversity of the study selection, which was even less than such for the Amur Tiger. The extremely low genetic polymorphism of the Cinereus Vultures, perished during cold winter 2000-2001, discovered by us, can be an evidence of the lowered adaptive potential of birds, that in the final account provoked their weakening and death. It is proposed to use well displayed express-method RAPD-PCR analysis for the further genetic monitoring of the population with the purpose of estimation of consequences of the mass bird loss.